Place of Joy Melbourne

Our Church, Place of Joy, is a branch of Indonesian Family Church in Perth, Western Australia. Beginning from 2005 as a small church, our church has since continued to grow as a community that aims to become a blessing to many people, impacting many lives, both in Melbourne and in Indonesia. We are proud to call our church Home.


Our vision is to build a strong community-based church with far-reaching capability impacting nations.


Our mission is for us to embrace His love and share it to others so together we can change the world to be a better place.


Daniel Ong

Daniel is a servant of God, called for full time ministry when he was 18 years old. He started ministering in a children ministry, teens and youth group in Indonesia. He is married to Karen Susan Ong and are blessed with two sons, Gershom and Eizer. Daniel and Karen have migrated from Jakarta – Indonesia to Perth to serve God’s calling in their lives. Daniel has a motto in his ministry: “To maximise God’s gift in his life, until the time he meets God”.


Yuwandi Buntarja

Yuwandi is our pastor at Place of Joy Melbourne. Along with his beloved wife, Lina Suprijadi, they both have ministered with us since April 2007. We call them “Ko Iwan” and “Ci Lina”. God has entrusted them to grow a church that puts the unity of the body of Christ as one of its core values, a church that is contextual, modern, and full with the spirit of a family.